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Typical day at a glance (adapted according to


         8:00 — 9:00             Breakfast
         Have a healthy and nutritious start to your day

         9:00 — 12:00           Classes, lectures & tutorials
         Interact  with  Oxford  in  and  outside  the  classroom.  Have  dynamic  teaching
         experiences that look at literature, talk science, and uncover the humanities. See,
         hear and learn about some of the most famous places & objects in the world -

         breathe the life of Oxford through your studies!

         12:00 —  1:30          Lunch
         Lovely settings, excellent surroundings, great food, interesting people.

         1:30 — 4:00             Out & about in Oxford
         Explore, take photos, do trips, find hobbies, undertake fun Oxonian activities -
         find out about the key people, events and experiences that have shaped the city

         down the centuries; and that still do.

         4:00 — 6:30             Stimulate your mind
         Debates, discussions, readings & writing. Hot topics & Q&A sessions. You may
         even get to learn with some of the best minds in the world!

         6:30 — 7:30             Dinner
         Catch up with friends and talk about the day.

         7:30 — 11:00           Evening Activities

         A  range  of  sports  and  competitions,  clubs  and  societies,  plays  and  films,
         concerts and more. Optional Prayer and Bible Study groups.

         11:00       Home to unwind, have a hot drink and get some much-needed sleep

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